Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ways To Make Your Day A Little Sweeter

So, this was me yesterday...happily smiling with my Pumpkin Ice Cream to kick off fall. Things quickly took a turn for the worst later that night. I had a fever, on top of a headache and muscle pains. Today has been a bit of a downer being sick and all, but I know we all have those days wether we are sick,lonely,stressed,or just not having a great day. To turn my day around, I thought I would share with you what I do to make my day a little sweeter. 

This first tip goes with the picture above. Whenever I am down I like to grab a sweet treat I normally wouldn't eat unless it is a special occasion or the weekend. Now, I am not saying eating will solve all of your problems...or over eating...this will add to your problems. Everything in moderation. However, splurging on a treat every now and then won't hurt. It will brighten your day a bit and make you feel like it's a special occasion. Since fall is here there are lots of sweet treats to choose from...check out my Ice Cream recipe for a chocolatey sweet treat. 

Now,I know this doesn't really go with #1, but I can't stress enough; everything in moderation! Eating healthy and exercising is something you should try to incorporate into your everyday lifestyle,but I think it's especially important when you are feeling down,sick,or tired. I understand if you are feeling super sick that it's probably not a good idea to go run a marathon. However, you can get your body moving somehow wether it's by doing yoga or just walking around the house. Even though you may not be motivated to do it...make yourself! You will feel so much better afterwords. The same thing goes with eating healthy. It's such a cliche, but it's true; when you put good in you will get good out. Healthy is happy.

When I listen to music it can really change my mood. Music can  get your emotions flowing. When you aren't having the best day play music whenever it gets too quiet. Feel in the silence with a happy song could even add extra happiness by dancing. Make sure you are listening to happy songs rather than breakup songs or any other type of depressing genre. That could be bad and have the opposite affect! Here are a few of my happy songs you may like:

-"I Fell It All"-Feist

-"Divisionary(Do The Right Thing)"-Ages and Ages

-"Shake"-The Head and the Heart

.....and of course T.Swift's "Shake it Off." (:

Okay, so I guess this isn't something to-do rather than something to avoid. Social media, in my opinion, can be a wonderful thing, however, it can be really negative at times. When you take a look into what others are doing you can sometimes start to compare your life to theirs. This isn't a good thing, especially when you're already feeling down. On days you aren't feeling the best put down you phone and computer. Instead of looking at what others are doing, go out and do something, make something, experiences something yourself. It will make you happier in the end. 

I understand that not everyone is a avid reader.
You don't have to read a novel or encyclopedia or whatever you find boring to follow this tip. You could sit down with your favorite magazine (mine is Darling Magazine pictured of the right). Whatever you read though, make sure it is something positive. Reading something spiritual, encouraging, humorous, or positive could really take your mind off of negative things. I like to read my Bible, Darling Magazine, or anything with a good message. Reading can help you focus on happier things and give you a better outlook on your day. 

My last tip, to make your day a little sweeter, is to challenge yourself. Get outside of your comfort zone and do something you wouldn't normally do. Whenever I try something I have been a little hesitant about, when it's done I feel really accomplished. Do something you've always wanted to do, but have been too shy to try. This could range from making a dinner you've never tried before to running an extra mile. You know your personal goals. Try to accomplish one. In the long run you will be glad you did, and it could really turn your day around!

I hope you can try some of these tips and find that they are helpful. We all have "those days" but you have to be the one to turn things around. If you have any tips you would like to share, that I left out, please let me know. Have a happy day. 
p.s.- This picture made me laugh. Happy Fall!

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