Sunday, April 26, 2015

Small Thoughts/Prom

When I was younger I always dreamed about being older. I couldn't wait to turn 16 and have my own car to drive. I picked out homecoming/prom dresses when I was still in middle school, and I probably already had my future child's name picked out. I'm a planner and I think I always will be. The day after prom (the day I am writing this) was a weird and unpredicted one. I honestly didn't think I would be sad my Senior Prom was over...such a small thing in the big scheme of life, but I was honestly a bit sad. This is why I am writing this post to share some of my small thoughts with all of you.

Benjamin and I ...he was the best date.
 When I was younger I had big plans and couldn't wait for the future. I had no idea what I was doing in the meantime. I think we all are too busy thinking and worrying about future plans that we don't pay attention to what is going on in the now. Even if it's small stuff like prom. My finals are coming up, as well as graduation, and prom really wasn't the first thing on my mind. A small part of me wishes is was, because I know I will never be able to go back and relive those moments again. Take time to live in the moment and appreciate it. I never thought this day would come when I was younger, and I am sure there will be many more realizations like the one I had today. I just wanted to write a small reminder to myself, and to you all, to take it in and enjoy the simple things... they won't always last.

Us at the dance. We couldn't stay still to take a good picture.
 Prom was so much more fun than I expected. Even though I played music in the morning that day, it was surprisingly laid back. I enjoyed getting ready with my family, taking pictures with my friends, eating a romantic dinner with my lovely date/boyfriend, and dancing all my makeup off. Thank you to everyone who had a part in this. I would have never dreamed I would be posting something about prom, but I guess that's my point. You never know what the future will hold so live in the moment and appreciate it. I hope everyone who went to prom had an awesome time and stayed safe. I hope all of you going to prom, in the future, will take it all in because it will be gone before you know it. Finally, I hope all of you who went to prom in the past have great memories you look back on like I know I will, and create many more great memories to come.

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