Monday, September 26, 2016

Darling Magazine: A New Form of Media


   A few years back, I was shopping at one of my favorite clothing stores, Anthropologie. There were, of course, many items that caught my eye, but for some reason I noticed a magazine laying on the table. The magazine was something I had never seen before. On the front cover was a beautiful photo, of a woman, that looked real and untouched. At the top of the cover, in bold print, read the word Darling.
      In 2009 Sarah Dubbeldam started her own magazine dedicated to women. Sarah was a fan of fashion, makeup, lifestyle tips, etc, but noticed that majority of magazines present these things in a skewed perspective. There isn’t a magazine of the rack that doesn’t have a photoshopped woman on the cover, and a headline giving you tips on how to lose weight, or how to change "undesirable" attributes. Sarah saw a need for a magazine that would encourage women, rather than make them feel insecure. Darling magazine is different from others, because it focuses on empowering women rather than trying to change them. Many magazines want to exploit celebrities, but Darling only showcases celebrities in a positive light. Daring is also different because it never uses photoshop, nothing is retouched.
    Darling Magazine is a success because it’s so relatable to women of all ages. I can’t relate to a magazine dedicated to Kim Kardashian’s makeup routine. Darling is real, and raw, and I think women see that an appreciate it. There is more demand for body positivity in media than there ever has been before, this makes Darling Magazine marketable to women like me.
    Sarah Dubbledam didn’t create a new idea, but she saw a need for something new. I respect her as an entrepreneur because her creative ideas made a positive change. Women, in the past, have been torn down in the media, and Darling has reversed the cycle. Dubbledam took something she was passionate about, and started a movement.


Word Count: 313

Blog post written by: Abbey Kimball

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Small Thoughts/Prom

When I was younger I always dreamed about being older. I couldn't wait to turn 16 and have my own car to drive. I picked out homecoming/prom dresses when I was still in middle school, and I probably already had my future child's name picked out. I'm a planner and I think I always will be. The day after prom (the day I am writing this) was a weird and unpredicted one. I honestly didn't think I would be sad my Senior Prom was over...such a small thing in the big scheme of life, but I was honestly a bit sad. This is why I am writing this post to share some of my small thoughts with all of you.

Benjamin and I ...he was the best date.
 When I was younger I had big plans and couldn't wait for the future. I had no idea what I was doing in the meantime. I think we all are too busy thinking and worrying about future plans that we don't pay attention to what is going on in the now. Even if it's small stuff like prom. My finals are coming up, as well as graduation, and prom really wasn't the first thing on my mind. A small part of me wishes is was, because I know I will never be able to go back and relive those moments again. Take time to live in the moment and appreciate it. I never thought this day would come when I was younger, and I am sure there will be many more realizations like the one I had today. I just wanted to write a small reminder to myself, and to you all, to take it in and enjoy the simple things... they won't always last.

Us at the dance. We couldn't stay still to take a good picture.
 Prom was so much more fun than I expected. Even though I played music in the morning that day, it was surprisingly laid back. I enjoyed getting ready with my family, taking pictures with my friends, eating a romantic dinner with my lovely date/boyfriend, and dancing all my makeup off. Thank you to everyone who had a part in this. I would have never dreamed I would be posting something about prom, but I guess that's my point. You never know what the future will hold so live in the moment and appreciate it. I hope everyone who went to prom had an awesome time and stayed safe. I hope all of you going to prom, in the future, will take it all in because it will be gone before you know it. Finally, I hope all of you who went to prom in the past have great memories you look back on like I know I will, and create many more great memories to come.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

CAKE! Tips and Tricks

Hey everyone, I hope you all are having a healthy and safe winter. It has been super chilly here in Southern Ohio. I can't complain because I just got back from Florida;however, while I was there I caught the bug...the flu bug. For the past week I have been stuck inside, glued to my couch. During that time, I had to entertain myself somehow, so I did a lot of research... baking research that is. I don't know what it is, but ever since I got my kitchen aid I have been a baking fool. It's a lot of work, but it's almost like therapy for me. I discovered a lot of baking tricks to improve my cake game. As soon as my fever broke, I was in the kitchen testing away. By no means am I a professional, so take these tips for what they are worth; however, I found them very helpful. I feel like my cake baking game has improved, and I want to share with you all these tricks. If you know them already, great...if not let's get started!

I definitely think the most difficult park of making a cake is the baking. It is so crucial to follow every step and quirky direction. Before I learned cooking was different than baking, I tried to get by with adding my own flare and doing what I wanted when it came to baking. You just can't do that. FOLLOW THE RECIPE WORD FOR WORD, and usually your cake will turn out alright.

TIP 1: Unsalted butter VS. Salted butter
Some cake recipes don't clarify if you should use unsalted or salted butter. Others usually say unsalted. For this particular cake recipe (I made Devil's Food Cake) it called for unsalted. Oh shoot, guess what, darn. I didn't have unsalted but I did, however, have salted. So I asked myself, "Do I risk using salted butter, or make a 25 minute trip to the store?" I took the lazy way out and just used the dang salted butter. I did some research and was advised to skip adding the salt in my cake because the salted butter will add enough. The cake turned out just as moist and yummy as it usually does. If you're unable to go to the store for unsalted butter, just use salted. It works. 

Tip 2: Get Rid of Those Tough Edges
I have a pretty old oven, so my cake doesn't always bake evenly. Usually I am left with a moist center and tough edges. If you have this problem, I have the answer. Begin with lowering the heat of the oven by 25 degrees. This will allow the cake to bake longer and more even. Now, I don't exactly know how this works, but it totally does. If you are making a light colored cake take 1/4 cup of flour and sift it onto your prepared baking pan. If you are making a dark cake just take 1/4 cup of cocoa and do the same. I think it's magic. My Devil's Food Cake turned out moist and was evenly baked.

Assembling is also pretty tricky, well, I guess every park of baking is pretty tricky. I have a few obvious tips that will hopefully help.

Tip 3: Cool that Cake
Do not mess with your cake right out of the oven. If you do, you are doomed. At least wait 20-25 minutes before removing your cake from the pan. From there wait, a couple of hours before going any further. Dealing with a warm cake will leave you with a crumbly mess. Trust me, I have been there.

Tip 4: Cut that Cake, baby 
Once your cake is cooled you can begin carving it. Take a serrated knife and gently cut the top dome of of your cake. This will make things even and easier to assemble. When it comes to layers, I am not a pro. If you want a layered cake just take your knife and in the middle of one cake, rotate and outline the carving line. Then go in and make the final cut. Be very gentle, especially if your cake is thin. 

Now, let's make the cake look pretty. This is the hardest part for me because you have to have patients...something I wasn't exactly blessed with. 

Tip 5: Crumb Coating
Crumb coating is something I recently discovered that has really been helpful. Basically what Crumb coating does is it makes a good base for the rest of your icing. Take your first layer of cake and about 1/4 cup of your icing. Use a cake spatula to evenly smooth out the icing. It doesn't have to be perfect, and you don't have to cover the edges. Then take your next cake layer, for me it is the final layer but you can use however many layers you want, and do the same thing going over the edges. Once your have has a thin layer of icing, pop it in the fridge for 15-20 minutes. 

As you can see, it doesn't look the best, but it really gives a good base for your final icing and decorating.

Tip 6: Use the Right Tools
I use to think you didn't need the fancy scrapers and spatulas for baking a simple cake, but I was wrong. If you want to make your cake look halfway decent, do your research and find some good cake tools.
Recently I purchased an Angled Icing Spatula from Amazon for like 8 bucks. IT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE. It was so easy to smooth out my icing with this baby. I recommend investing in more than one of these suckers.

Tip 7: Use a Toothpick
I always have to sketch out an idea before I make the final product. Whenever I decorate a cake I usually get frustrated because things aren't lined up correctly. It's an easy fix. Just take a toothpick and lightly outline or draw any design you want.
  Then, go in a fill in your outlined designs with icing.

There you have it! Just a few basic tips I discovered recently. They really helped me and made my cake baking experience more enjoyable. If you have any baking tips please share them with me, and if you found these helpful let me know. Enjoy your yummy cake!


Devil's Food Cake recipe: Luara Vitale Recipe  

Cake Spatula:

Watch my latest cover with my sister: Music Video (:

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Perfect V-Day Treats: Heart Vanilla Meringues

Hey all, it's almost Valentines Day, and that means tons and tons of special treats. I want to share with you a recipe I found on Darling Magazine's blog for Vanilla Meringue Cookies. These cookies are so light and crisp, they just melt in your mouth. I made these for my cousin's 21st birthday party, and I am excited to take them tonight. Follow along if you want my version, and tips, on how to make these lovely, yummy, and festive cookies. 

Let's begin with what you will need, but first, why don't we take a second to admire this Tiffany blue mixer my boyfriend got me for Christmas. Shout out to you Benny, you're the best. I have wanted one for years, and my dream finally came true. You don't need a Kitchen Aid for this recipe, but it certainly helps. 

-3 Egg Whites
-1/4 Tsp Cream of Tartar
-1/4 Tsp Vanilla Extract
-3/4 Cup of White Sugar
-Red or Pink Sprinkles(Optional but if you want to get it)!

Start off by cracking your eggs and separating the whites from the yolk. This is a very important step. If you get any shell or yolk in  your whites, start over. It won't turn out. 

You want this: 
Once you have gotten your whites, begin to mix, on a medium speed, with your cream of Tartar. Your mixture will begin to form light peaks. At this point add your vanilla extract and turn up the speed to medium/high. Then, gradually add your sugar. Mix until a glossy peak is formed.

You can use parchment paper or foil to place on a baking sheet. You'll need this because the cookies will stick to your pan without it. Use a piping bag to make little heart shapes on your baking sheet. Make sure the cookies aren't too close together. At this point, you can add your sprinkles. Note: You can also add espresso or coffee beans if you like the combination of sweet and bitter.
From here, take your meringues and pop them in the oven at 200F for about 1 1/2 hours. I know, that seems like forever, but these cookies aren't very hands on or high maintenance. The taste is also worth the wait. Your cookies should come out with a little golden color on the top. Make sure you keep an eye on them, they could burn and that would be no good. Also, let them cool before you remove them, and be very careful when you do. They're very delicate. 
Ta-da, you have perfectly heart shaped baby meringues. They taste as good as they look. I hope you try this recipe, and share it with the people you love (:


Monday, December 22, 2014

Guide to a Last Minute Christmas Dinner

  Hey everyone, it's that time of year again! I'm always so surprised of how fast the holiday season creeps up on me. Also, with school and other activities I find myself really busy, and it's sometimes difficult to get into the Christmas spirit. I am sure you all are running to the store for last minute gifts, trying to get everything wrapped and looking festive;it can be really difficult to balance everything.
  My boyfriend and I always have a Christmas dinner together, and I'm usually the one who prepares all of the food (which I love). I don't always have the time I would like to get ready for the dinner;however, I did my best this year and I think it was a success. I want to share with you all my last minute tips and trick to prepare a wonderful Christmas dinner! Everything I made was from Bon Appetit magazine/website. If you would like to try any of these recipes I will post a link. They were all so divine! Let's get into it!

Red -Wine Braised Short Ribs
  The main entree was a mouth watering, fall off the bone, red-wine braised short rib. I know, it sounds so complex but it was very simple to prepare. What I like about this dish is that you pop it in the over for 3 hours and the magic begins. You don't have to sit around constantly watching your food, just put it in and take it out after a few hours. This recipe is also great because most of the ingredients you probably already have...minus the red-wine. If you don't have the wine, just add more stock;however, the wine really makes the meat juicy and tender. This is a simple recipe that will make your guests super impressed. It's also great comfort food for this winter weather. Again, you can find this recipe on the website above so you can try it for yourself.
My little Gnocchi 

 One of the sides I made was Butternut Squash Gnocchi with Brown Butter and Sage Sauce. Gnocchi is one of my favorite foods ever, and I think it's a creative spin that pairs well with the braised short ribs. For those of you who haven't had gnocchi before, you need to try this wonderful potato noodle. It's kind of like an Italian chicken and dumpling...which is ironic because I hate chicken and dumplings! haha. This recipe took a little longer than the ribs, but it was worth it. Now, I made the noodles from scratch which is something you don't need to do. You can search for gnocchi at the store then follow the recipe if you don't have extra time. After you cook the gnocchi you can whip up the sauce in about 10 minutes! That's it and you have a gourmet side. So rich! This recipe is also on the website.
Butternut Squash Gnocchi with Brown Butter and Sage Sauce 

Raspberry Ice Cream
  For dessert I made Raspberry Ice Cream; I wanted to do something light for dessert since everything else was so heavy. All you do is mix your ingredients, put them in your Ice Cream machine, and wait. Make sure your bowl is chilled the night before or your Ice Cream won't set. That's it, so simple and festive. 

  Benjamin and I had such a fun time trying all of these new recipes. They are all so holiday friendly and easy to prepare. One of my favorite things about this season is that I get to eat all of the wonderful homemade treats. It's something I remember doing when I was a kid and I want to share that with others. I hope you try these recipes out and have as much fun as I did. Have a great Christmas and spend time with the ones you love. Thanks for reading and I will talk to you soon.

-Abbey Shae p.s- check out this short video of our Christmas dinner!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Lovely November Favorites

Hey Ya'll! I apologize for not posting for awhile. I have been super busy with school. SO MUCH FUN. No, I am really thankful I can go to school. Speaking of thankfulness; this post is just in time for Thanksgiving. I want to share with you what I have been enjoying this month, and hopefully you will enjoy it too.

Let's begin with fashion/beauty. I have been loving this circle black/gold/green necklace from Madewell. It is such a simple piece, but that is what I love about it. This necklace can be paired with almost any outfit. What's really cool about this is the circle. It's reversible so you could wear the green side or the black side. The link is below if you'd like one of your own. 

The next beauty/fashion item is "Angel Red" lipstick from Clinique. I always look for a good red lipstick, especially for the Holiday season, and this shade is one of my favorites. It's long lasting too which is always a plus. 

This next favorite may be my favorite favorite. Hah! Bath&Body candles pile up in my room because I buy WAY TOO MUCH; however, this "Marshmallow Fireside" candle is the exception. I haven't had it for very long and it is almost gone. I can't even describe to you how it smells because it's so AMAZING, you'll have to buy one to experience it for yourself. p.s- Bath&Body isn't a sponsor...I wish. 

I think I have mentioned this next favorite in a previous post. Darling Magazine is such a good read. I highly recommend this magazine to any girl/teen/woman. This magazine is inspiring, creative, and truly a piece of art. All the images in the magazine aren't retouched or photoshoped. I just find myself really inspired after I read an article or two. Check their website out: 

We need to transition into the sweet treat favorite.
In one of my previous post I did a tutorial on how to make Maple Ice Cream with Salty Nuts. Since Thanksgiving is a few days away, I will be making this for my family. They love it and so do I. Check out the recipe on this blog to make it for your family and friends this Thanksgiving.

My last favorite is a music favorite. I always look for Holiday music to get me in the spirit. Lately I have been listening to Anthropologie's Thanksgiving playlist and it is so fun and festive. Check it out and listen to it while your cleaning, cooking, or lounging. 
I hope this was an entertaining and fun post. Let me know what you think! Thank you all for being patient with the posts. I want to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. Have fun with your family and friends. 



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Question Of The Day: Do You Measure Your Self Worth In A Healthy Way?


  When I had the original idea for this blog I really didn't know what it would turn into. To me it was just going to be something fun and it has been. I have really enjoyed it so far. I have gotten some feedback as well, and I am thankful for the support of my friends and family. After a few posts people actually started reading my blog and taking interest,(at first I thought only my mom and boyfriend were reading). My purpose then started to change a little.

  I truly love helping people. We all need help at a certain point in our lives, and I have the desire to "pay it forward." Some of my blog post will hopefully educate, inspire, and help people that I wouldn't be able to reach otherwise. This post today is a little different than what I had first intended to do. I want to talk about a certain thing that has been in my life lately, and hopefully it will help those with similar problems.

  I am a female, as many of you probably figured out, and I love to do girly things. I love fashion, makeup, clothes, things that some people may think are superficial. A lot of women, like myself, like to look nice and pretty as well. Even men can be into their appearance. It is always nice to get a compliment from  someone on the way you look. It often boosts our confidence. This is all fine until we start letting these superficial things validate our worth. The pressure to look a certain way can then get out of control. 

  Like I mentioned before, we are all human. It is normal to seek validation and feel like you are good and wonderful. We want to feel important, unique, and well liked among our peers. Appearance can sometimes taint the way we think about ourselves and our importance. This is where things get unhealthy.

Validation Through Social Media:
     When this blog took off I went from a few views to a few hundred views. At first it wasn't a problem, but I began to get a bit obsessed with looking at the stats and how many views I received that day. I would get a little bummed if I didn't have a certain head count. Now I know that sounds silly and childish, but have you ever been bummed when you didn't receive the feedback you thought you would on social media. I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but I once had a friend tell me they would delete a picture from Instagram if it didn't receive a certain amount of likes in a certain amount of time. I'm not trying to call out this person. As a human being we seek to be liked, whether it is on Facebook or in reality. However, it can get very unhealthy and in today's time it's even more dangerous due to social media. A lot of post on Instagram involve the infamous "selfie." This gives people the freedom to determine if they're going to like something based on our appearance. I'm not "selfie shaming," I have been known to post a selfie or two in my day, but when we start seeking comments from others to build us up is when it gets out of control. Why should others have a say in your appearance? Social media can be a great thing, but when you let others validate your worth through one picture, it is probably time to put the phone down. 

Comparing Ourselves To Others: 
  With all of the social media and instant communication we can see what anyone is doing majority of the time. A lot of people can start to compare themselves to others more easily because of this. Comparing ourselves to others happens a lot, especially with appearance. When I was younger I hated the birthmark on my face. Others girls didn't have birthmarks on their faces and I was confused by this. I use to ask my mom if I could get it removed because I wanted to look like everyone else. No matter how much you want to change the way you look...sometimes it just isn't possible. I will never be able to grow super long legs like Taylor Swift because I am not Taylor Swift...I am me. It is pointless to compare your body and looks to others because it will never happen. Now, if I just crushed your dreams, remember that your features are unique. They are what makes you you. You should embrace them and learn to love them. Stop measuring your self worth by comparing your looks to others. I am so glad I never got my birthmark removed. 

The Expectation:
  We live in a society that is constantly telling us to look our best and try to "out pretty" everyone else. We have certain social ideas and concepts that if we don't look a certain way we won't be accepted. We put physical labels on each other. There is an idea of what is "beautiful" and what we think isn't beautiful. This makes me sad. It is our job,as a society, to stop creating the expectation and standard of what beauty is. There is no limit. There is no one right answer in what is beautiful. Beauty can be found in everything and that begins with finding confidence within yourself. 

  I sometimes struggle with letting social media, society, and others affect the way I view myself. Sometimes it is difficult to even follow my own advice. The  important thing is to be aware. When you start feeling down and your confidence is on low, take a step back and evaluate what is causing that. Maybe it has to do with the things I listed above...if so it may be time to take a break from social media, comparing yourself to others, or letting certain comments get to you. Always remember that you are definitely not alone. We all struggle to find our place, and I hope that maybe I helped with something you are going through. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to reach out to me. I just want to help. We are all in this big ol world lovely world together..why not try to make it lovelier. 

-Abbey Shae